Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s proposal to enact some of the toughest abortion restrictions in Europe has exposed his already unpopular government to a building political backlash and criticism from the European Parliament, while reinvigorating his Socialist opponents and opening divisions in his own conservative Popular Party.
On Sunday, demonstrators gathered in downtown Madrid to protest the government’s health care cuts and the abortion proposal, which was introduced in December and would allow the termination of a pregnancy only if it was the result of rape or if having the baby would significantly endanger the mother’s health. It would not allow abortions if the fetus was deformed.
“Those who give birth should be deciding,” said Pilar Gómez, an administrator of the Los Yébenes health care center in Madrid. “After all the advances that we had made, we’re now being taken right back to the days of Franco.”
The current abortion law, adopted
under the previous Socialist administration, allows women to end a pregnancy
within the first 14 weeks and beyond that period in cases of life-threatening
problems related to the fetus.
The debate in Spain began about
the same time that a law in Ireland, another Roman Catholic country, set out for
the first time the conditions under which abortions would be allowed. The Irish
law, which was prompted
in part by the death of a woman who was refused an abortion, allows
termination of a pregnancy in cases of a threat to the mother’s life. It leaves
Malta as the only European Union country that has a complete ban on
On Wednesday, Elena Valenciano,
the deputy leader of the Socialist Party, argued that Mr. Rajoy’s government,
which up to now had been focused on Spain’s ailing economy, was also taking a
“real step back in history” with a proposed law that she described as an affront
to women.
She predicted that the law would
turn on Mr. Rajoy by dividing his party rather than strengthening his electoral
appeal among conservatives. Already, some senior members of his Popular Party
have urged the prime minister to soften the legislation.
Still, Benigno Blanco, the
president of the Spanish
Family Forum, an association that has campaigned against abortion and
represents about four million families, welcomed the legislation as “a very
important step” that “should guarantee Spain becomes the first country in
Western Europe to prioritize the right to life and to fight back against the
social normalization of abortion.”
The abortion debate has
transcended Spain’s borders. Protests were recently held outside Spain’s embassy
in Paris, and France’s minister for women’s affairs, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem,
said it was “terrible to see Spain about to take a step back on the right to
decide over one’s own body.”
Last week, the European Parliament
held a heated session over what Spain’s planned U-turn would mean for the rest
of the Continent. In Portugal, news media have started speculating about whether
the country’s abortion clinics could cope with an influx of women from
neighboring Spain.
Even as left-leaning politicians
and women’s associations have expressed dismay at the draft law, the government
has insisted that it was merely following through on Mr. Rajoy’s campaign
pledges from 2011, when the Popular
Party swept into office after voters punished the Socialists for their
economic mismanagement. Spain
pulled out of its two-year recession in the third quarter of 2013, but still
struggles with an unemployment rate of 26 percent and anemic domestic
Mr. Rajoy’s Popular Party has a
comfortable majority in Parliament. But the Socialists have urged the government
to allow voting on the abortion law to take place by secret ballot, to help
encourage dissenting conservative lawmakers to break ranks.