On the 18th of October the CEDAW Committee adopted its 30th General recommendation (GR)on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations. General recommendations are authoritative statements on the meaning and scope of the provisions in the CEDAW Convention with respect to the rights of women and the obligations of the State. It clarifies the application of CEDAW to emerging and priority situations affecting women.
Some key elements of this GR include:
-clearly identifies state obligation continuing in an unbroken continuum as it clarifies that States parties’ obligations continue to apply during conflict or states of emergency without discrimination between citizens and non-citizens within their territory or effective control, even if not situated within the territory of the State party.
- enlarges on the concept of due diligence in relating to human rights obligations of states by providing guidance to States parties on the implementation of their obligation of due diligence in respect of acts of private individuals or entities that impair the rights enshrined in the Convention, and makes suggestions as to how non-State actors can address women’s rights in conflict-affected areas.
- Covers all forms/categories of conflict and conflict prevention in cases of international and non-international armed conflicts,situations of foreign occupation, as well as other forms of occupation and the post-conflict phase, internal disturbances, protracted and low-intensity civil strife, political strife,ethnic and communal violence, states of emergency and suppression of mass uprisings, war against terrorism and organized crime, and other situations that may not necessarily be classified as armed conflict under international humanitarian law.
There are various other elements to this GR which we hope you will read in totality and use it to monitor and hold states accountable for violations to women's human rights during/post conflict situations.
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